for the love of lamb™

The Dream
In 2013 we purchased a farm that had not been used for quite some time. There had been little improvements to the 70 year old shearing shed that overlooks the property and there was significant work to do. I guess we saw a lot of potential and we dreamed that we could be farmers on the weekend while funding it with the income from our jobs in the city during the week.
What we didn’t expect was the growing and eventually overwhelming desire to put everything we had into our plot of land and become more self-sustainable than either of us had ever experienced in our lives.
The Journey
So the real journey began in early 2015.
I was raised on a dairy farm, I had experience with farming and cows but nothing with sheep. I was becoming increasingly frustrated with the quality and price of lamb or any meat for that matter, which was available to the general consumer. So I decided that lamb was where we should go. Our intent was to provide our family and friends with excellent quality lamb at a fair price for them and for us. However the lamb was shared at meal times and the requests for fresh lamb started to increase … and increase. Now we provide excellent quality lamb at a fair price to our family and friends, their families and friends and their families and friends. I am proud that our lamb is shared during meals of love, happiness and laughter.
On the farm we are 100% focused on the welfare of our stock and our environment, with plenty of nurturing and care taken to ensure they are healthy and happy. This makes our experience as farmers more rewarding and we are forever learning. Our ewes are quiet and content and many do enjoy a hug and a scratch around the ears. We believe this philosophy delivers the very best experience for our customers too.
I do all the animal husbandry from assisting with lambing to toe clipping. We certainly have had invaluable support and guidance from our experienced and patient neighbours. You simply cannot know everything nor can you go it alone. The wealth of experience and knowledge in our community would put Wikipedia to shame.
We are always investigating and learning about animal nutrition and currently use a garlic and molasses tonic throughout the year to maintain our flocks gut flora and health. We only use a chemical drench as a last resort and in strict consultation and testing with our local vet. In the future we aim to have our systems in place to avoid it all together.
We are seasonal producers, this means that our ewes lamb once a year. In fact if a ewe isn’t at the right stage (weight and health) when we are ready to introduce our ram, we don’t cull her, we give her a year of maternity leave where she has time to restore her health. We feel this is important for the health and wellbeing of our flock, it suits us ethically and our lambs are healthier and stronger.
We spent winter of 2014 fencing, even in 5 degrees conditions, which meant in 2015 we were able to introduce cell grazing. This allows our flocks to rotate throughout the farm. They have access to the best pastures and ensures we are managing the natural growth of grass with minimal impact to the soil.
We believe in transparency, so if there is anything that you would like to know about our farm practices please drop us a line.

Our Range
Lamb BBQ Pack
Includes 100% grass fed butterflied leg, cutlets, BBQ forequarter chops, loin chops, BBQ ribs, Gluten Free Sausages, Lamb Kofta Burgers and our world famous lamb bacon
Lamb Premium Pack for Lamb Lovers
Lamb Lovers – Lamb Premium Pack
Perfect for a household of lamb lovers 660g 8 point rack, 1.5kg rolled shoulder, 8 thick cut loin chops, 1.4 easy carve leg roast, 500g mince, 4 shanks, 2 x 110g Wood Smoked Lamb Bacon, 2 x 110g Maple and Black Pepper Lamb Bacon